Difference between revisions of "2018"

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<div style="text-align: right; "> '''[[previous year::2017 | Previous Year]] | [[next year::2019 | Next Year]]''' </div>
In 2018 the structure of Brigham Young University included:
*[[existed in::Brigham Young University]]
In 2018 the structure of Brigham Young University included:
**Authorities of Brigham Young University  
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Board of Trustees | Board of Trustees]]  
*[[Brigham Young University]]
**Authorities of Brigham Young University
***[[Board of Trustees]]
***[[Graduate Council]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Graduate Council | Graduate Council]]
***[[President's Council]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. President's Council | President's Council]]
****[[Commencement Awards Committee]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Commencement Awards Committee | Commencement Awards Committee]]
****[[Honor Code Advisory Council]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Honor Code Advisory Council | Honor Code Advisory Council]]
****[[University Communications]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. University Communications | University Communications]]
***[[David O. McKay School of Education]]
***[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education | David O. McKay School of Education]]
****[[Career Placement Office-Education]]
****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Dept. of Communication Disorders | Dept. of Communication Disorders]]
****[[Dept. of Communication Disorders]]
****[[existed in:: David O. McKay School of Education. Dept. of Counseling Psychology and Special Education | Dept. of Counseling Psychology and Special Education]]
****[[Dept. of Counseling Psychology and Special Education]]
****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Dept. of Educational Leadership and Foundations | Dept. of Educational Leadership and Foundations]]
****[[Dept. of Educational Leadership and Foundations]]
****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Dept. of Instructional Psychology and Technology | Dept. of Instructional Psychology and Technology]]
****[[Dept. of Instructional Psychology and Technology]]
****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Dept. of Teacher Education | Dept. of Teacher Education]]
****[[Dept. of Teacher Education]]
*****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Field Services Office | Field Services Office]]
****[[Educational Advisement and Certification Office]]
*****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Scholarship Office | Scholarship Office]]
****[[Student Services Center]]
****[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Teaching English Language Learners Program | Teaching English Language Learners Program]]
*****[[Field Services Office]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Graduate Studies | Graduate Studies]]
*****[[Scholarship Office]]
***[[existed in::J. Reuben Clark Law School | J. Reuben Clark Law School]]
****[[Student Services]]
***[[existed in::Marriott School of Business | Marriott School of Business]]
*****[[Field Services Office]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. School of Accountancy | School of Accountancy]]
*****[[Scholarship Office]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. Dept. of Finance | Dept. of Finance]]
****[[Teaching English Language Learners Program]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. Dept. of Information Systems | Dept. of Information Systems]]
***[[Graduate Studies]]
****[[existed in::Romney Institute of Public Management | Romney Institute of Public Management]]
***[[J. Reuben Clark Law School]]
****[[existed in::Marketing and Global Supply Chain]]
***[[Marriott School of Business]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. Dept. of Management | Dept. of Management]]
****[[School of Accountancy]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. Dept. of Aerospace Studies | Dept. of Aerospace Studies]]
****[[Dept. of Finance]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. Dept. of Military Science | Dept. of Military Science]]
****[[Dept. of Information Systems]]
****[[existed in::Marriott School of Business. Dept. of Experience Design and Management | Dept. of Experience Design and Management]]
****[[Romney Institute of Public Management]]
**[[existed in::Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center]]
****[[Peery Institute of Financial Services]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. College of Life Sciences | College of Life Sciences]]  
****[[Kay and Yvonne Whitmore Global Management Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Biology | Dept. of Biology]]
****[[Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Exercise Sciences | Dept. of Exercise Science]]
****[[Dept. of Management]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Public Health | Dept. of Public Health]]
****[[Dept. of Aerospace Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Plant and Wildlife Sciences | Dept. of Plant and Wildlife Sciences]]
****[[Dept. of Military Science]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science | Dept. of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science]]
****[[Dept. of Experience Design and Management]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Biology | Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Biology]]
**[[Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Physiology and Developmental Biology | Dept. of Physiology and Developmental Biology]]
**[[College of Life Sciences]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Preprofessional Advisement Office | Preprofessional Advisement Office]]
***[[Dept. of Biology]]
***[[existed in::M.L. Bean Museum | M.L. Bean Museum]]
***[[Dept. of Exercise Science]]
**[[existed in::Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology | Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology]]
***[[Dept. of Health Sciences]]
***[[existed in::Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. Dept. of Chemical Engineering | Dept. of Chemical Engineering]]
***[[Dept. of Plant and Wildlife Sciences]]
***[[existed in::Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering]]
***[[Dept. of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science]]
***[[existed in::Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering]]
***[[Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Biology]]
***[[existed in::Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Dept. of Mechanical Engineering]]
***[[Dept. of Physiology and Developmental Biology]]
***[[existed in::Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. School of Technology | School of Technology]]
***[[Preprofessional Advisement Office]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences | College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences]]
***[[Ezra Taft Benson Agriculture and Food Institute]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Anthropology | Dept. of Anthropology]]
***[[M.L. Bean Museum]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Economics | Dept. of Economics]]
**[[Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Geography | Dept. of Geography]]
***[[Dept. of Chemical Engineering]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of History | Dept. of History]]
***[[Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Neuroscience Center | Neuroscience Center]]
***[[Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Political Science | Dept. of Political Science]]
***[[Dept. of Mechanical Engineering]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Psychology | Dept. of Psychology]]
***[[School of Technology]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Social Work | Dept. of Social Work]]
**[[College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Sociology | Dept. of Sociology]]
***[[Dept. of American Studies]]
***[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. European Studies Program | European Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Anthropology]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Middle East Studies/Arabic Program | Middle East Studies/Arabic]]
***[[Dept. of Economics]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Program | Ancient Near Eastern Studies Program]]
***[[School of Family Life]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Asian Studies Program | Asian Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Geography]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. International Study Programs | International Study Programs]]
***[[Dept. of History]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Study Abroad | Study Abroad]]
***[[Neuroscience Center]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. International Volunteers | International Volunteers]]
***[[Dept. of Political Science]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Field Studies | Field Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Psychology]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Latin American Studies Program | Latin American Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Social Work]]
****[[existed in:: David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. International Relations Programs | International Relations Programs]]
***[[Dept. of Sociology]]
***[[existed in::Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy | Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy]]
***[[David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies]]
***[[existed in::Charles Redd Center for Western Studies]]
***[[European Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Comprehensive Clinic | Comprehensive Clinic]]
****[[Middle East Studies/Arabic]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Family Studies Center | Family Studies Center]]
****[[Ancient Near Eastern Studies Program]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Museum of Peoples and Cultures | Museum of Peoples and Cultures]]
****[[Asian Studies]]
***[[existed in::New World Archaeological Foundation | New World Archaeological Foundation]]
****[[International Study Programs]]
***[[existed in::Charles Redd Center for Western Studies]]
****[[Study Abroad]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Women's Studies Program | Women's Studies Program]]
****[[International Volunteers]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. College of Fine Arts and Communications | College of Fine Arts and Communications]]
****[[Field Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. School of Communications | School of Communications]]
****[[Latin American Studies]]
****[[existed in::Daily Universe]]
****[[International Relations Programs]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. School of Music | School of Music]]
***[[Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Art (2015- ) | Dept. of Art]]
***[[Charles Redd Center for Western Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Design | Dept. of Design]]
***[[Comprehensive Clinic]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Theatre and Media Arts | Dept. of Theatre and Media Arts]]
***[[Family Studies Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Music Dance Theatre Program | Music Dance Theatre Program]]
***[[Museum of Peoples and Cultures]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Dance | Dept. of Dance]]
***[[New World Archaeological Foundation]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Health and Human Performance Services | Health and Human Performance Services]]
***[[Women's Research Institute]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. College of Humanities | College of Humanities]]
***[[Charles Redd Center for Western Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. American Studies Program | American Studies Program]]
***[[Women's Studies Program]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Asian and Near Eastern Languages | Dept. of Asian and Near Eastern Languages]]
**[[College of Fine Arts and Communications]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. English Dept. | Dept. of English]]
***[[Dept. of Communications]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of French and Italian | Dept. of French and Italian]]
****[[Daily Universe]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of German and Russian | Dept. of German and Russian]]
***[[School of Music]]
***[[existed in:: Brigham Young University. Dept. of Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature | Dept. of Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature]]
***[[Dept. of Theatre and Media Arts]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Linguistics | Dept. of Linguistics]]
***[[Music Dance Theatre Program]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Philosophy | Dept. of Philosophy]]
***[[Dept. of Visual Arts]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese | Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese]]  
**[[College of Health and Human Performance]]
***[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies | David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Dance]]
***[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. European Studies Program | European Studies]]
***[[Health and Human Performance Services]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Middle East Studies/Arabic Program | Middle East Studies/Arabic]]
***[[Dept. of Recreation Management and Youth Leadership]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Program | Ancient Near Eastern Studies Program]]
**[[College of Humanities]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Asian Studies Program | Asian Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Asian and Near Eastern Languages]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. International Study Programs | International Study Programs]]
***[[Dept. of English]]
*****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Study Abroad | Study Abroad]]
***[[Dept. of French and Italian]]
*****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. International Volunteers | International Volunteers]]
***[[Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages]]
*****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Field Studies | Field Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature]]
****[[existed in::David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Latin American Studies Program | Latin American Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Linguistics and English Language]]
****[[existed in:: David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. International Relations Programs | International Relations Programs]]
***[[Dept. of Philosophy]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Center for Language Studies | Center for Language Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Chinese Flagship Center | Chinese Flagship Center]]
***[[David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies]]
***[[existed in::Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature | Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature]]
***[[European Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. English Language Center | English Language Center]]
****[[Middle East Studies/Arabic]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Foreign Language Student Residence | Foreign Language Student Residence]]
****[[Ancient Near Eastern Studies Program]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Humanities Technology and Research Support Center | Humanities Technology and Research Support Center]]
****[[Asian Studies]]
***[[existed in::BYU International Cinema | BYU International Cinema]]
****[[International Study Programs]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Publications Center | Publications Center]]
*****[[Study Abroad]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Spanish Resource Center | Spanish Resource Center]]
*****[[International Volunteers]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Summer Language Institute | Summer Language Institute]]
*****[[Field Studies]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. College of Nursing | College of Nursing]]
****[[Latin American Studies]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences]]
****[[International Relations Programs]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry | Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry]]
***[[Center for Language Studies]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Computer Science | Dept. of Computer Science]]
****[[Chinese Flagship Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Geological Sciences | Dept. of Geological Sciences]]
***[[Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Mathematics | Dept. of Mathematics]]
***[[English Language Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Mathematics Education | Dept. of Mathematics Education]]
***[[Foreign Language Student Residence]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Physical Science Program | Physical Science Program]]
***[[Humanities Technology and Research Support Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy | Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]]
***[[BYU International Cinema]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Statistics | Dept. of Statistics]]
***[[Publications Center]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Undergraduate Education | Office of Undergraduate Education]]
***[[Spanish Resource Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. General Education | General Education]]
***[[Summer Language Institute]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Honors Program | Honors Program]]
**[[College of Nursing]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. University Writing | University Writing]]
**[[College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Office of First-Year Experience | Office of First-Year Experience]]
***[[Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Religious Education | Religious Education]]
***[[Dept. of Computer Science]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Ancient Scripture | Dept. of Ancient Scripture]]
***[[Dept. of Geological Sciences]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Church History and Doctrine | Dept. of Church History and Doctrine]]
***[[Dept. of Mathematics]]
***[[existed in::Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship | Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship]]
***[[Dept. of Mathematics Education]]
****[[existed in::Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts]]
***[[Physical Science Program]]
****[[existed in::Middle Eastern Texts Initiative]]
***[[Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]]
****[[existed in::Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies]]
***[[Dept. of Statistics]]
****[[existed in::BYU Studies | BYU Studies]]
****[[Center for Statistical Consultation and Collaborative Research]]
****[[existed in::Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Research Technology Group | Research Technology Group]]
**[[Office of Undergraduate Education]]
**[[existed in::Wheatley Institution]]
***[[General Education]]
***[[Honors Program]]
***[[University Writing]]
***[[Office of First-Year Experience]]
**[[Religious Education]]
***[[Dept. of Ancient Scripture]]
***[[Dept. of Church History and Doctrine]]
***[[Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship]]
****[[Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts]]
****[[Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies]]
****[[Middle Eastern Texts Initiative]]
****[[Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies]]
****[[BYU Studies]]
****[[Research Technology Group]]
**[[Wheatley Institution]]
**Academic Support Services
**Academic Support Services
***[[Division of Continuing Education]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Division of Continuing Education | Division of Continuing Education]]
****[[BYU Salt Lake Center]]
****[[existed in::BYU Salt Lake Center | BYU Salt Lake Center]]
****[[Independent Study]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Independent Study | Independent Study]]
****[[Dept. of Evening Classes]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Evening Classes | Dept. of Evening Classes]]
****[[Bachelor of General Studies Program]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Bachelor of General Studies Program | Bachelor of General Studies Program]]
***[[Student Academic and Advisement Services]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Academic and Advisement Services | Student Academic and Advisement Services]]
***[[Office of Planning and Assessment]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Office of Planning and Assessment | Office of Planning and Assessment]]
****[[Institutional Assessment and Analysis]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Institutional Assessment and Analysis | Institutional Assessment and Analysis]]
***[[Instructional Applications Services]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Instructional Applications Services | Instructional Applications Services]]
***[[Office of Research and Creative Activities]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Office of Research and Creative Activities | Office of Research and Creative Activities]]
***[[Student Life]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Life | Student Life]]
****[[Academic Support Office]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Academic Support Office | Academic Support Office]]
****[[Campus Life]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Campus Life | Campus Life]]
****[[Campus Life Events and Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Campus Lost and Found | Campus Lost and Found]]
****[[Campus Lost and Found]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University.  Center for Conflict Resolution | Center for Conflict Resolution]]
****[[Center for Conflict Resolution]]
*****[[existed in::Center for Service and Learning]]
****[[Center for Service and Learning]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Guest Services | Guest Services]]
****[[Guest Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Honor Code Office | Honor Code Office]]
****[[Honor Code Office]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Information Center (WSC) | Information Center]]
****[[Information Center]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. International Services | International Services]]
****[[International Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Multicultural Student Services | Multicultural Student Services]]
****[[Multicultural Student Services]]
******[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Multicultural Advisement | Multicultural Advisement]]
*****[[Multicultural Advisement]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Scheduling Office | Scheduling Office]]
****[[Scheduling Office]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Leadership | Student Leadership]]
****[[Student Leadership]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. University Accessibility Center | University Accessibility Center]]
****[[University Accessibility Center]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Women's Services and Resources | Women's Services and Resources]]
****[[Women's Services and Resources]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Health and Human Performance Services | Health and Human Performance Services]]
***[[Health and Human Performance Services]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Auxiliary Services | Student Auxiliary Services]]
***[[Student Auxiliary Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University Bookstore]]
****[[Brigham Young University Bookstore]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dining Services | Dining Services]]
****[[Dining Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Housing Services | Housing Services]]
****[[Housing Services]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Service Association | Student Service Association]]
**[[Student Service Association]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University Student Service Association. Student Advisory Council | Student Advisory Council]]
***[[Student Advisory Council]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University Student Service Association. Student Honor Association | Student Honor Association]]
***[[Student Honor Association]]
**[[existed in::BYU Broadcasting]]
*[[BYU Broadcasting]]
***[[existed in::KBYU-FM]]
***[[existed in::KBYU-TV]]
**[[existed in::Brigham Young University. University Fees | Tuition and Fees]]
*[[Tuition and Fees]]
**University Support Services
*University Support Services
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Counseling and Career Center | Counseling and Career Center]]
**[[Counseling and Career Center]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Dept. of Student Development | Dept. of Student Development]]
***[[Dept. of Student Development]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Center for Teaching and Learning | Center for Teaching and Learning]]
**[[Center for Teaching and Learning]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Counseling and Career Services | Counseling and Career Services]]
**[[Counseling and Career Services]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. University Career Services | University Career Services]]
***[[Career Placement Services]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Discontinuance Office | Discontinuance Office]]
***[[University Career Services]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Faculty Center | Faculty Center]]
**[[Discontinuance Office]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Honor Code Office | Honor Code Office]]
**[[Faculty Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Human Resource Services | Human Resource Services]]
**[[Honor Code Office]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Benefits Services | Benefits Services]]
**[[Human Resource Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Retirement Services | Retirement Services]]
***[[Benefits Services]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Compensation Services | Compensation Services]]
****[[Retirement Services]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Employee Relations/Equal Employment Office | Employee Relations/EEO]]
***[[Compensation Services]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Employee Relations | Employee Relations]]
***[[Employee Relations/EEO]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Equal Employment Office | Equal Employment Office]]
****[[Employee Relations]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Staff Employment | Staff Employment]]
****[[Equal Employment Office]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Employment | Student Employment]]
***[[Staff Employment]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Human Resource Development | Human Resource Development]]
***[[Student Employment]]
*****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Training and Development | Training and Development]]
***[[Human Resource Development]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. I.D. Center | I.D. Center]]
****[[Training and Development]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Intercollegiate Athletics | Intercollegiate Athletics]]
**[[I.D. Center]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Athletic Media Relations | Athletic Media Relations]]
**[[Intercollegiate Athletics]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Multicultural Student Services | Multicultural Student Services]]
***[[Athletic Media Relations]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Physical Facilities Division | Physical Facilities Division]]
**[[International Student Support]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Business Support/Accounting Dept. | Business Support/Accounting Dept.]]
**[[Multicultural Student Services]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Planning Dept. | Planning Dept.]]
**[[Physical Facilities Division]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Space Management | Space Management]]
***[[Administrative Solutions]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Public Affairs and Guest Relations | Public Affairs and Guest Relations]]
***[[Business Support/Accounting Dept.]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Publications and Graphics | Publications and Graphics]]
***[[Planning Dept.]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Risk Management | Risk Management]]
***[[Space Management]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Health and Safety | Health and Safety]]
**[[Public Affairs and Guest Relations]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Student Health Center | Student Health Center]]
**[[Publications and Graphics]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Tantara Records | Tantara Records]]
**[[Risk Management and Safety]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Technology Transfer Office | Technology Transfer Office]]
***[[Health and Safety]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. University Police | University Police]]
**[[Student Health Center]]
**Research Centers and Institutes
**[[Tantara Records]]
***[[existed in::Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center]]
**[[Technology Transfer Office]]
***[[existed in::M.L. Bean Museum | M.L. Bean Museum]]
**[[University Police]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Cancer Research Center | Cancer Research Center]]
*Research Centers and Institutes
***[[existed in::Melvin J. Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance | Center for Economic Self-Reliance]]
**[[Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center]]
***[[existed in::Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology]]
**[[M.L. Bean Museum]]
***[[existed in::Center for Teaching and Learning]]
**[[Ezra Taft Benson Agriculture and Food Institute]]
***[[existed in::Center for Service and Learning]]
**[[Cancer Research Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Center for Statistical Consultation and Collaborative Research | Center for Statistical Consultation and Collaborative Research]]
**[[Center for Economic Self-Reliance]]
***[[existed in::David O. McKay School of Education. Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling | Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling]]
**[[Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology]]
***[[existed in::Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature | Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature]]
**[[Center for Instructional Design]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Communications Research Center | Communications Research Center]]
**[[Center for Service and Learning]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Comprehensive Clinic | Comprehensive Clinic]]
**[[Center for Statistical Consultation and Collaborative Research]]
***[[existed in::Computer-aided Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing Center]]
**[[Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Museum of Paleontology | Museum of Paleontology]]
**[[Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Family Studies Center | Family Studies Center]]
**[[Communications Research Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Human Performance Research Center | Human Performance Research Center]]
**[[Comprehensive Clinic]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Humanities Technology and Research Support Center | Humanities Technology and Research Support Center]]
**[[Computer-aided Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing Center]]
***[[existed in::International Center for Law and Religion Studies | International Center for Law and Religion Studies]]
**[[Earth Sciences Museum]]
***[[existed in::National Middle East Language and Resource Center]]
**[[Museum of Paleontology]]
***[[existed in::Museum of Art]]
**[[Family Studies Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Museum of Peoples and Cultures | Museum of Peoples and Cultures]]
**[[Human Performance Research Center]]
***[[existed in::Charles Redd Center for Western Studies]]
**[[Humanities Technology and Research Support Center]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Religious Studies Center | Religious Studies Center]]
**[[International Center for Law and Religion Studies]]
***[[existed in::Kay and Yvonne Whitmore Global Management Center]]
**[[National Middle East Language and Resource Center]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Women's Services and Resources | Women's Services and Resources]]
**[[Museum of Art]]
****[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Women's Studies Program | Women's Studies Program]]
**[[Museum of Peoples and Cultures]]
***[[existed in::Peery Institute of Financial Services]]
**[[Charles Redd Center for Western Studies]]
***[[existed in::Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship | Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship]]
**[[Religious Studies Center]]
****[[existed in::Middle Eastern Texts Initiative]]
**[[Rollins Center for eBusiness]]
****[[existed in::Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies]]
**[[Kay and Yvonne Whitmore Global Management Center]]
****[[existed in::BYU Studies]]
**[[Women's Research Institute]]
****[[existed in::Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Research Technology Group| Research Technology Group]]
***[[Women's Services and Resources]]
***[[existed in::Brigham Young University. Chinese Flagship Center | Chinese Flagship Center]]
***[[Women's Studies Program]]
***[[existed in::Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies]]
**[[World Family Policy Center]]
**[[existed in::Harold B. Lee Library | Harold B. Lee Library]]
**[[Peery Institute of Financial Services]]
***[[existed in::Harold B. Lee Library. Special Collections Division | Special Collections Division]]
**[[Institute of Public Management]]
****[[existed in::Harold B. Lee Library. Conservation Dept. | Conservation Dept.]]
**[[Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship]]
****[[existed in::L. Tom Perry Special Collections | L. Tom Perry Special Collections]]
***[[Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts]]
***[[Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies]]
***[[Middle Eastern Texts Initiative]]
<div style="text-align: right; "> [[href::#top | Back to Top]]
***[[Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies]]
***[[BYU Studies]]
<div style="text-align: center; "><p style="font-size: small"> '''[[previous year::2017 | Previous Year]]''' | '''[[next year::2019 | Next Year]]'''
***[[Research Technology Group]]
**[[Chinese Flagship Center]]
**[[Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies]]
*[[Harold B. Lee Library]]
**[[Special Collections Division]]
***[[Conservation Dept.]]
***[[L. Tom Perry Special Collections]]
***[[University Records Management]]

Revision as of 11:30, 6 August 2021

In 2018 the structure of Brigham Young University included: