Brigham Young University. Dept. of Plant and Animal Sciences

Variant names

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Established: 2003

Abolished: 2007

Location: Provo, Utah (2003-2007)


Insert description of functions here.

Assets and Administrative Structure

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Associated Units

Superior unit: Brigham Young University. College of Biology and Agriculture (2003-2007)

Earlier unit: Brigham Young University. College of Biology and Agriculture. Dept. of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (2001-2003)

Earlier unit: Brigham Young University. College of Biology and Agriculture. Dept. of Botany and Range Science (1983-2003)

Later unit: Brigham Young University. College of Life Sciences. Dept. of Plant and Wildlife Sciences (2007- )

Associated Archival Materials

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Maintenance Information

Record ID:

Creator: UPB