Brigham Young University. Dept. of Biology (1985-2003)

Variant names

Insert variant names here.




Location: Provo, Utah (1990-
  • The value "1994}})


    Insert description of functions here.

    '"`UNIQ930ee4f3ac0b2cee-h-3--QINU`"'Assets and Administrative Structure

    Insert description of administrative structure here.

    '"`UNIQ930ee4f3ac0b2cee-h-4--QINU`"'Associated Units

    Superior unit: [[subordinate to" contains invalid characters (e.g. [) for a property name.
  • The given value was not understood.

Earlier unit:

Later unit:

Associated Archival Materials

Insert references to all associated materials here.


Insert sources for all information given in the record here

Maintenance Information

Record ID:

Creator: UPB