Brigham Young University. Auxiliary Maintenance

Variant names

Insert variant names here.


Established: 1953

Location: Provo, Utah (1953-)


Auxiliary Maintenance cares for and repairs the MTC, Single Student Housing and Student Family Housing. It also maintains on-campus businesses such as the Creameries, Wilkinson Student Center, and Press Building. Auxiliary Maintenance is over the heating and cooling, laundry facilities, carpentry, plumbing, electrical and appliance repair for these buildings.

Assets and Administrative Structure

Insert description of administrative structure here.

Associated Units

Superior unit: Brigham Young University. Student Auxiliary Services (?
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The date "?" was not understood.

Associated Archival Materials

Insert references to all associated materials here.


Insert sources for all information given in the record here.

Maintenance Information

Record ID: EAC-2011-00174

Creator: LWT