Brigham Young University. Counseling Center

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The Counseling Center was organized within Student Services in 1976 when the Personal Development Center changed names. The Center offered counsel in skills development, testing services, and a Student Life Learning Resource Center. Each of these programs existed to help students reach their potential. Burton C. Kelly (1976-1979), Richard W. Johnson (1979-1982), and Eugene T. Buckner (1984-1982) served as directors. In 1981 the Center moved from Student Services to Student Life.

Variant Names

Student Services Counseling Center


Established: 1976

Abolished: 1983

Location: Provo, Utah (1976-1983)


The Counseling Center existed to promote personal growth of individuals in society and in the University community. Students sought counseling for help with study problems, developing social and interpersonal skills, working through personal problems, and in growth of self-understanding. Counseling could be found in individual or group settings. The Counseling Center also housed the Student Life Learning Research Center that provided educational, vocational, personal, and social development information to students.

Assets and Administrative Structure

The Counseling Center functioned under the administration of a director under the dean of Student Life.

Associated Units

Superior unit: Brigham Young University (1976)

Superior unit: Brigham Young University. Student Life (1981-1983)

Superior unit: Brigham Young University. Student Services (1976-1980)

Earlier unit: Brigham Young University. Personal Development Center (1972-1976)

Subordinate unit: Student Life Learning Research Center (1976-?"?" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.)

Later unit: Brigham Young University. Counseling and Personal Services (1983)

Associated Archival Materials

Brigham Young University Counseling Center Services : changes and trends. (LB 1103.021 .K72 1972, 378.21 K855)


Brigham Young University General Catalog 1976-1977: p. 35-36 (Burton C. Kelly, director; offered counsel in skills development, testing services, and a Student Life Learning Resource Center; existed to promote personal growth of individuals in society and in the University community; helped with study problems, developing social and interpersonal skills, working through personal problems, and in growth of self-understanding; individual or group settings; the Counseling Center also housed the Student Life learning Research Center that provided educational, vocational, personal, and social development information to students.)

Brigham Young University General Catalog 1979-1980: p. 25 (Richard W. Johnson, director)

Brigham Young University General Catalog 1982-1983: p. 327 (Eugene T. Buckner, director)

Brigham Young University General Catalog 1981-1982: p. 26 (In 1981 the center moved from Student Services into Student Life.)

Maintenance Information

Record ID: EAC-2009-00557

Creator: CEM