Brigham Young University. Commercial School

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The Commercial School was established in 1903 when Brigham Young Academy was organized into eight schools or departments. When the Academy became Brigham Young University in 1904, the same structure of the separated schools was kept with an approved principal directing each school. The schools and departments organized in 1904 were the Kindergarten Department, Preparatory Department, Missionary Department, High School, Normal School, Commercial School, Music School, and Collegiate Department.

Variant names

Commercial Department


Established: 1903

Abolished: 1909

Location: Provo, Utah (1903-1909)


Insert description of functions here.

Assets and Administrative Structure

The Commercial School was a secondary school within Brigham Young University and was directed by Joseph B. Keeler, Principal, under the direction of the president of the university, George H. Brimhall.

Associated Units

Superior unit: Brigham Young University (1903-1909)

Subordinate unit:

Associated Archival Materials

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Maintenance Information

Record ID:EAC-2009-00054

Creator: UPB