Associated Students of Brigham Young University. Student Community Services

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The Student Community Services office was created in 1971 during the presidency of Dallin H. Oaks.

Variant names



Established: 1971

Abolished: 1988

Location: Provo, Utah (1971-1988)


The mission of the Community Services Office was to enrich the lives of the students of Brigham Young University by creating valuable service opportunities for all while at the same time providing valuable service to those in need. The Community Services Office of ASBYU was committed to ensuring that service opportunities become learning experiences that will provide individual growth, and that BYU students would be able to capture a vision of the gospel principle of service they will utilize throughout their lives. By providing opportunities for Christ-like service, both the community and the students of BYU benefited. Community Services sought to uphold the mission of Brigham Young University and to demonstrate that its students truly do "go forth and serve." According to President Dallin H. Oaks, Student Community Services provided opportunities for students to serve in the surrounding communities and accelerated a beautification and conservation program. It provided tools, coordination, and occasionally funds for the repair and renovation of homes and public areas.

Assets and Administrative Structure

Student Community Services worked under a President and two vice-presidents. One vice-president worked with an advisory board relating to handicapped persons, special projects, youth, the elderly, and refugees. The other vice-president worked with an assistant V.P. or finance assistant, over an office manager, planning, and programs and directors.

Associated Units

Superior unit: Associated Students of Brigham Young University (1971-1988)

Associated Archival Materials


Brigham Young University: The First One Hundred Years, Vol. 4, 1976: p. 161 (established in 1971 under Oaks Administration; provided opportunities to serve surrounding communities and accelerated a beautification and conservation program)

Maintenance Information

Record ID: EAC-2010-00134

Creator: UPB